About Avid Identification Systems Inc.

Avid Identification Systems Inc., a privately held company, was founded by a veterinarian in 1985 and is a major supplier of RFID based products in the United States and around the world. AVID® invented and implemented the pet microchip and recovery system over 20 years ago, and today, saving lives through microchip identification and recovery continues to be AVID’s mission and business. AVID’s patented industry-leading RFID (radio frequency identification) technology is used in numerous animal and non-animal applications.

AVID’s safe and effective microchip technology is used by veterinarians, animal care providers, shelter operators, biologists and conservationists around the world to humanely identify animals. AVID’s RFID technology is used to safely identify numerous wild animal species, livestock and millions of companion animals. By designing quality RFID products and solutions that are simple yet effective, AVID has helped build a business that has evolved into a global industry.

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