IDEXX Telemedicine Consultation



Small-animal and equine consults

A detailed written interpretation of imaging studies is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.

  • Radiographs
  • Ultrasound
  • Radiographs and ultrasounds
  • MRI
  • CT


Cardiac consults and screens

A detailed written interpretation of an ECG or cardiac imaging study is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.

Consult with diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations

  • Wellness screens
  • Ambulatory monitoring (U.S.)
  • Preanesthetic screens
  • Consult with diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations



Specialty services

Dental, exotics, and other consults

A detailed written assessment is provided based on the patient medical history and presenting complaints.

  • Dental consults
  • Exotic consults
  • Internist consults
  • Dermatology consults